Throw Back Thursday – Almost Famous

I love Halloween.

I love that for one universal night, everyone has the chance to be something different from their regular day to day lives.  The scale of creativity is limitless.  You never know what you’ll see from peoples’ imaginations.  I like that kind of uncertainty.


Nothing displeases me more. 😦

Halloween this year, kinda fell by the wayside.  I’m living out of sorts, because I’m planning a major move before the start of winter.  I will be much happier when that happens; but, in the meantime, I’m feeling depressed.

And just because I’m not getting to partake in any dress-up shenanigans, doesn’t mean that I can take the fun out of my son’s Halloween.  I made him a super cool race-car driver costume.  His school parade is today, and trick – or – treat is this Saturday.  I will have fun for him, and no doubt, he will have fun, too.

So I’m going to live vicariously through my Throw Back Thursday post.


The Penny Lane

One year for Halloween, I dressed up as Penny Lane, from Almost Famous.  I figured it really easy, because people often tell me that I look like Kate Hudson.  It’s also, a very, good movie!


Halloween – 2010

Halloween, 2010.  Holy crap, five years ago!  Ha!


Halloween 2010. I won prize $$ at my work’s costume contest.

What is everyone dressing up as this year?

7 thoughts on “Throw Back Thursday – Almost Famous

  1. LOL, Jessika 🙂 I’ve got a few (cough, cough) years on you and all my kids have now flown the coop, so to speak. So, no dress-up for me this year. Hubby and I will be spending Halloween with dinner and a movie, “The Martian.” I figure the title is at least a little Halloweenish 😉👻🎃 Have fun with your son – great times!


    • Ahhh, well your Halloween sounds delightful!! 🙂

      I’m in a long distance relationship right now (not for long); but, I’m lonelier than hell right now, and would love to watch The Martian with my guy! haha
      I’ve been wanting to see that movie, hopefully soon!

      Have a great time, and Happy Halloween! 🙂


  2. I’m going to dress up as…a girl not doing anything for halloween, curling up in bed in her pjs watching 90s slasher films lol. Your son’s halloween costume sounds amazing though! 🙂


    • That to me, is an excellent way to spend Halloween! I myself, will probably be doing the same. lol
      I’ll have to refrain from eating the majority of my son’s Halloween candy. haha
      I’m going to try and motivate myself to post his costume in my blog.

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